The Canary

Western Australian Film

Set during the nineteenth century, ‘The Canary’ follows the protagonist Florence, who, following the sinking of a transport vessel, is set adrift on the open ocean.

With little but a wooden lifeboat and caged canary beside her, Florence must find the strength to defy the social standards of her time; utilizing her own determination to endure the expansive ocean and to try to survive the hostile Australian wilderness.

An independent project filmed by only 4 people, ‘The Canary’ is a tale of persistence, self-exploration and self-acceptance, from both the characters and those who brought the film to life.

Scroll down to learn more about the production crew and film itself.

The Canary Feature Film Poster

"Impressive! The Canary embodies the true spirit of independent filmmaking."

–  Matthew Eeles, Cinema Australia

ONIROS The Canary Award
NYFA The Canary Award

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